Some Gut Reading — probiotics

The Microbiome Diet

The Microbiome Diet

The microbiome has gained considerable recognition as a key component in optimal health and more recently is considered a vital organ for optimal health. Understanding of how the gut microbiome can be modulated by dietary change has been at the heart of recent research with the Microbiome Diet being one of the many examples of dietary plans that can positively influence health. Let’s take a dive into the details and see how you can implement it for your health!

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The Microbes In Our Soil

The Microbes In Our Soil

A keen gardener will only know too well the benefits of a healthy compost heap. A magical place where seemingly endless amounts of garden waste can be fed into to be broken down into the most nutrient dense soil.  These are literally ‘hot’ beds of immense microbial activity where the decaying material is broken down to into new life giving compost.

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What Moves You?

What Moves You?

Different types of foods that can move the digestive system, fibre... apple... cocoa... prebiotic foods. Blog article coming soon.

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